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Preis gestiftet von
Mr. Joseph Wolff, president FIP
Preis gestiftet von
Mrs. Nelly Wolff-Lippert
wife to Joseph Wolff
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Australian Philatelic Federation
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Federación Argentina de Entidades Filatélicas (FAEF)
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Fédération Royale des Cercles Philatéliques de Belgique
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Cyprus Philatelic Society
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Lumír Brendl, President of the Union of Czech Philatelists
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Vít Vaníček, President of PRAGA 2008
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Fédération Française des Ass. Philatéliques
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Hellenic Philatelic Society
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Hong Kong Philatelic Society
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Israel Philatelic Federation
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Philatelic Federation of Japan
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Nederlandse Bond v. Filatelisten Verenigingen
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J. & N. Banfield, New Zealand
Preis gestiftet von
New Zealand Philatelic Federation Inc.
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Philatelic Federation of Pakistan
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Dr. Usman Ali Isani
National Commissioner for Praga'2008 from Pakistan
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Progres Partners Advertising, Organisator
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Quatar Philatelic Club
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Slovenian Philatelic Association
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Federación Española de Sociedades Filatelicas
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Federación Española de Sociedades Filatelicas
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Swedish Philatelic Federation
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Mr. Leu Syhy Rong
National Commissioner of Chinese Taipei