12 - 14/9/2008


together with international fair Collector

 News Files

 Fresh News:


Friday 12. 9.      Day of FIP

                         9 a.m.   PRAGA 2008 Opening Ceremony (invitation required) 
                                      Industrial Palace 
                       10 a.m.   Exhibition Open to the Public 
                         5 p.m.   Balloon flight 
                         6 p.m.   End of visiting hours 
                         8 p.m.   Gala-Reception of the Czech Post (invitation required)
                                      Troja Castle



Saturday 13. 9.  Day of Czechoslovak and Czech Postage Stamp


                        10 a.m.  Exhibition Opens 
                          1 p.m.  International Meeting of AIJP, (moved !)

                                      Industrial Palace 
                          2 p.m.  Autographing 
                                      Industrial Palace 
                          3 p.m.  Exhibit Awards Ceremony for Salon of Czech Youth 
                                      and inauguration of the book „Známky“ (Stamps) 
                                      Industrial Palace 
                          6 p.m.  End of visiting hours 
                          7 p.m.  PRAGA 2008 Palmares Ceremony and Dinner (ticket required) 
                                      Národní dm na Vinohradech


Sunday 14. 9.     Day of United Nations

                        10 a.m.  Exhibition Opens 
                        10 a.m.  Jury Critique 
                          2 a.m.  Reception for Jury and National Commissioners (invitation required) 
                        12 a.m.  Postal Coach: Laa an der Thaya (Austria) - Hevlín (Czech Republic ) 
                         4. p.m.  Exhibition Closes

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